BMW 125i tested

The previous-generation 1 Series wasn’t much loved around the world. Some thought of it as a swine with Bell’s palsy which subsequently earned it the unofficial title of ugliest BMW in the range. The harsh criticisms levelled at its aesthetics stung the BMW design team who subsequently carried out a complete visual refresh to make amends. Now that its facade won’t scare away any would-be buyers can it finally get the credit it deserves as a hot hatch contender? It is after all the only rear-drive hatchback in the segment with pure, uncorrupted steering and impressive handling manners to boot. What’s not to like?


Welcome to my corner of the automotive world! I'm Mandy Lawson, better known as mandla85, and I'm absolutely obsessed with everything related to cars and motorsports. You bet I'm interested if it has four wheels (or sometimes two!) and an engine. For me, cars aren't just a means of transportation; they're a passion, a lifestyle, and an endless source of fascination. I love diving into the world of automotive engineering and design, exploring the latest trends, and uncovering the stories behind the machines. Email / Facebook